Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scrambling For a Way to Write My Book

Ugh! I'm suffering! Suffering I tell you! School is weilding it's ugly hammer and has pounded me over the head. It continues to do so. I have no time to do ANYTHING! Three essays for PE (which is outrageous, don't you agree?), and those take a lot of time.

I would also do anything to get rid of this snow so that I could bike to the library and have some peace while walking amongst my favourite items. But this snow wont go away and it comes up to my hip. I've gotten stuck and have lost my boots too many times to be happy about snow anymore.

And I have my pal Writer's Block (aka: Procrastination) sitting on my shoulder. Writers Block keeps giving me problems, so I had to resart my story and then write my plot before even stepping foot in the world of words and pictures. Oh, and my head hurts when I try to force myself to not rush my story either. HOW DO YOU WRITERS WRITE LIKE YOU DO? Oh, you know, it's probably my slight case of ADD that's holding me back. Oh well.

So I'm going to post the first chapter of the story once I've completed the firse chapter.

Until then, see ya!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beautiful For Me

I thought this movie was so beautiful! *sniff sniff*
Sorry boys, this is a girl song! But you can watch it if you want.
Any girl is beautiful, no matter what they look like!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Satan, Bite the Dust!

This is one of my most favourite song by Carman. I found it on Facebook because a friend of mine (who so happens to be named Carman aswell--but she's not the singer Carman I'm talking about!) posted it. I had to put here so I wouldn't forget it!
I like it so much because it is set in a Western Saloon. I love anything to do with Westerns--even though I don't read or watch anything to do with them. But this movie is symbolic in a way, even though I can't seem to decipher it.
This is a short post, just because I wanted to put this up.
See you readers!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Process of Book

OK, so this post really doesn't have anything to do with Sonic the Hedgehog. It's just a ranndom pic that I decided to pick (I don't think the pun was intended...).

Anyway, I got this idea from Jake (AKA: Teenage Writer)'s blog. I thought it was really cool, so I'm going to do what he did. Here's a link to his blog. I hope you enjoy the news about my book, and so when I get it published, I hope you buy it! Eee! So excited! Eh...sorry, got insanely excited.

Just a note before I go doing this thing: The picture says: A New Beginning. My book is being rewritten for the third time due to faulty plots etc. So its having a new beginning. Just thought I should clear that up! So enjoy what I say...I mean it!

1. What's your word count?
2,973 words...It's just the beginning...

How long until you finish?
If writers block doesn't hit me and school doesn't kill me--maybe a month.

If you have finished, how long did it take you?
Haven't finished. Sorry.

Do you have an outline?
Uh...its under construction...ha! even though I'm 2973 words into the book!

Do you have a plot?
Under construction. I have a motto: "The thicker the plot, the more intersting the story!"

How many words do you typically write a day?
Um...If you say 'typically' you mean approximately? Um...if I have an insparation, I would type over 2000 words.

What was your greatest count in one day?
I think it was a maximum of 5000...

What was your least impressive in one day?
Ten words...?

What inspired to write? games...and J.J.R Tolkiens books and C.S. Lewis's books...I know I'm strange, but that's what happened...

Does your novel/story have a theme song?
*question mark appears above head* Um...? Let me think...that'll take awhile..."Speak With Your Heart" by Cash Cash? Um...maybe not that one. Let me think about it.

Assign each of your characters a theme song.
,:| Ok... I'll do that! That'd be cool!
Mickey Rose: Take On Me by a-ha
Scarlett Carr: We Got the Beat by the Go Go's
Padme Ivy: Wonder by Michael W. Smith
Darcy Irons: Never Surrender by Cory Hart
Dr. Eric Blackman (villian): E.G.G.M.A.N. (remix) by Paul Shortino

Which character is most like you?
Well, Mickey is most like me, but Scarlett is my mischeivious side (or however you spell that word!)

Which character would you most likeyly be friends with?
Darcy...and Scarlett...oh and Padme!

Do you have a Gary-Stu or a Mary Sue character?
Um no! All of my main characters have anmesia and they have their own problems!

Who is you favourite character in your novel?
*facepalm* I LIKE THEM ALL! Even my villain! I quote: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!"

Have your characters ever done something completely unexpected?
Um, not least I *Ahem*

Have you based any of your novels on personal experiences?
Not yet...

Do you believe in plot bunnies?'cause I don't know what they are!

Is there magic in your novel/story?
Nope, because my parents don't like it.

Are any holidays celebrated in your story?

Does anyone die?
Wasn't planning on any deaths...

How many cups of coffee/tea/hot chocolate have you consumed during your writing experiance?
Lots! TONS! LITRES! Well, of hot chocolate anyway. I'm not into tea or coffee. But I'm into ice caps from Tim Hortons (or in my story, Jim Thortons, hehe).

What is the lastest you have stayed up writing?
Past midnight...hehe...until my parents found out :(

What is the best line?
Uh, Dr. Eric Blackman's line: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!" Which was because the Dark King had hold upon the world and Dr. Blackman wanted to upsurp him.

What is the worst line?
"Yehaw!" Hannah (another character) says as she swings from her lasso. Then: "ouf!" as she slams into a wall. That was the best I could do!

Have you dreamed about your novel/story or its characters?
Sadly, no.

Does your novel rely heavily on alleygory?
NEVER! Well to put it lightly: no.

Summerize your novel/story in under 33 words.
"Mickey Rose knows nothing of herself. When she and her best friend, Hannah fall into Genivar, they find the world under darkness. They must save this world, or theirs might become like it."

Do you love all your characters?

Have you done something sadtistic or cruel to increase the word count?
If seperating a friend from a friend is cruel.

What was the last thing your main character ate?
She hasn't eaten yet.

Describe your main character in three words.
Sweet. Tomboyish. Tough.

What would your antagonist dress up as for halloween?
Um...there are two's the Dark King, and people would dress up as him, and the other is a mad scientist that would dress up as himself.

Does anyone in your story go to a place of worship?
I don't think they would get a chance to get near a church. But then again, I haven't finished the book yet.

How many romantic relationships take place in your novel/story?

Are there any explotions in your novel/story?
There will be! :D

Is there an apocalypse in your novel/story?
Well if an apocalypse is when everything is under darkness...

Does your novel take place in a post-apocalyptic world?
I have no idea...

Are there ombies, vampires or werewolves in your novel/story?
My parents would murder me if I put anything like that in my stories.

Are there witches, wizards or mythological creatures/figures in your novel/story?

Is anyone reincarnated?
You know, I wouldn't put something like that in my story. I don't believe in that. You die and you got to heaven or hell. This question reminds me of Sonic '06.

Is anyone physically ailed?
I don't know yet...

Is anyone mentally ill?
I don't want anyone to be!!!

Does anyone have swine flu?
Ew. No.

Who has a pet in your novel and what are they?
I don't want to have pets for my characters or they would slow them down. But Hannah and Mickey have horses.

Are there angels, demons, or any religous references/figures in your novel/story?

How about political figures?
A king, yes. Obama, no.

Is there incessant drinking?

Are there boardgames? If so, which ones?

Are there any dream sequences?
Yes, including flashbacks.

Is there humor?

Is there tragedy?
Gotta have tragedy! Or the book would be boring!

Does anyone have a temper tantrum?

How many characters become single by the end of your novel/story?

Is anyone in your story adopted?

Does anyone in your novel/story wear glasses?
Yes: Dr. Blackman.

Has your novel/story provided insight about your life?
A little.

Your personality?
A bit.

How many people have asked to read your novel/story?
My family and my friend.

Have you drawn any of your characters?
Yes, almost all of them!

Has anyone drawn your characters for you?

Does anyone vomit in your novel/story?
Not yet.

What size shoe does your main character wear?
Ask her yourself?

Do any of the characters in your novel/story use a computer?
All of them! C'mon people! This is a Sci-Fi book we're talking about here!

How would you react if your novel/story was erased entirly?
If I could shapeshift, I would turn into Shadow the Hedgehog, but since I can't, I'd just become very moody.

Did you cry at killing off any of your characters?
When I was writing a flashback about Dr. Blackman's father just before he died, I was sniffling.

Did you cheer when killing off one of your characters?
This is an odd question...

What advice would you give a fellow writer?
Join a writer's guild. Find an agent.

Describe your ending in three words.
What in the world?! I refuse! I'd get Scarlett to burn you for asking that question!

Are there any love triangles, squares, hexagons, etc?

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least stressful, 10 being the most stressful) what is you stress rank?

Was it worth it?
I guess...

I tah all of you to put this on your blog!