Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Riding Today, Bro's Sick...

Hey peoples! I was supposed to go riding this morning, but Drew (my brother) threw up. Now I didn't get to ride my favourite lesson horse, Scoot. Well, at least I can get some more math done. You guys may be done school, but I'm behind on math.

The picture on this post is of Asobi the Game-Loving Hedgehog. She's going to be the mascot of my blog until I can get a picture of my main character for my most important book series I'm writing-Mikaela "Blaze" Rose the Cat-drawn. But I can't do that until I get Photoshop. Darn. I'm trying to get my writers block for The Uprising of Dr. Matthew gone, but I'm having trouble. I'm still trying to think if my plot is good enough... Phantom Horse Hollow is going along nice, and the plot is almost complete. I'm just trying to fill in the plot holes properly. Plot holes always give me a pain. I'm also always fighting my ADD (which thankfully, with the help of a Natropathic Doctor by the name of Davis Voji...something, it will be FIXED! Whooo!). But I'm typing away. I just hope my writing isn't being influenced by Video Games. Video Games can be a friend, keeping you occupied, but it can distract you from you writing and influence it. I had gotten a new game by the name of "Sonic and the Black Knight" a couple weeks ago. I have finished story mode, but I'm still working on some of the missions. Well, that game has set off a chain of Sonic-related dreams, and they plauge me every night. Not that I don't like them, they're actually pretty good, but I'm afraid they're influencing my writing.

I've made a world called 'Genivar' if you don't already know. In this world, humans and Humanoid animals live in peace with one another. The humanoid animals are drawn similar to Sonic and his friends, but they are as tall as the average human, and they have necks. Also, their arms aren't as long and they don't have as big of hands and feet. A friend of mine told me that I wasn't stealing SEGA's idea because there are some obvious differences between my characters and SEGA's charaters. But I still don't know...what do you think?

Here's a link to Sonic's page on Wikipedia.

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Hey! Write about what I say! I like when people write to me!