I've currently have read all seven Artemis Fowl books, and have found them very enjoyable, even though there is some usage of God's name in vain, and some swearing.
This book is for anyone, 10 and up, who wants to read a very enjoyable Real world/Fantasy world mix. But I'm glad it's for teenagers, because they could not possibly understand half of what they were talking about if they were 8...or 9... and their parents might be horror stricken if their young kids started swearing.
But I don't mind. All the swearing (which isn't using God's name in vain) was stuff I hear coming out of my parents' mouths when they get angry enough to lose control of their self control. Which scares me.
But, back to the point. I don't want to give anything away, because then that would unfair. I might find the actor that plays Artemis on my doorstep! Eeep!
And another thing. The faries use a swear word (D'Arvit) that the author doesn't want to translate because it means something really fowl. Did I just create a pun? Huh, whatever. So that it is a swear word, I advise you not to use it.
There's a lot of violence in these books, but not enough to scar anyone for life. And there's humor. If you like humor, then that's good.
It seems that Artemis Fowl is popular enough to have two theme songs! And his movie isn't even out yet! The first song (Call Me Artemis Fowl) and the second song (Complex: Atlantis) can be found here: http://www.artemisfowl.com/
The books are good enough that they inspired me to write my own fanfiction (but you'd have to read all the books before you could understand what was going on): Amethyst Fowl.
Yeah. So, I hope you enjoyed my little...uh...review of the series.
What is great is that it has inspired me to write my own series starring a teenager genius and a girl dreamer. I'll update you guys on it soon enough. But I can't do it now, because there are potatoes on the stove and they might bubble over. It's Mom's birthday today, and I am making her dinner. And my birthday's coming up in about 17 days. I hope I can keep my cool until then. I've been hoping for some of the "Left Behind Kids" books.
I'm rambling, aren't I?
cool post! I loved it!