Friday, September 3, 2010

I Can See The End Ticking Closer

New Zeland has been hit by a huge earthquake. Can't you see that the earth is dying? The earth is dying under the strain of sin! Like a timer telling how long the Earth has to live is really clear in my mind. The end will possibly be like the movie 2012. Earthquakes worse than the ones we've seen, Nuclear War, and worse. Iran is getting dangerously close to being ready to unleash the bombs on North America, Israel, and other places. You have to wonder if Israel and America will work together. But Russia or an unknown country will open up on Israel before we Christians will be Raptured. God will protect Israel. Isn't that cool? I'm excited! New Earth, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh- its so exciting!
    Ya- I think The whole world will turn against Isreal some time soon- it says it in the Bible. I'm exitced to be living in the last days! I'll see you again! wow!


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