Well...I did a quiz for my parents and this is what happened:
Who Do You Want To Meet Other Than Jesus When We Get To Heaven?
My Father: My Family
My Mother: Eve (she has a bone to pick with her), her daddy, Mary, etc.
Me: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Gilbert Morris, Elijah, Michael W. Smith, etc. (I can't fathom how many people I want to meet)
What Do You Want To Do In Heaven When You Get There?
My Father: Fly (physically)
My Mother: Fly
Me: Read books from the immence library, travel through space, write books, sing along with great singers, act along with great actors, ride horses, talk to animals, travel.
Note: I've finished a book, one of the Helen Keene Western Adventure books, and I'm going to send it to Red Deer Publishers. Pray for publication!
okay sure! keep us updated!