(Translation for title: Winter is Here, My Mind is All Jumbled, And Have you Heard of Gilbert Morris? Title was written in French)
OK, my mind is running around in all directions all at the same time. Part of my mind is thinking about the poor kids stuck in the Childrens Hospitals over Christmas; another part of me is thinking about that...um, book that was mention in the post "Hey y'all!"; and well...I'm trying to use every ounce of my strength to fight this flu/cold I've got. It's so annoying. But I am almost better!
I am almost done all of the Reno Western Saga books, and I am going to be very sad when their aren't going to be any more!! Now, I have comepleted the first Helen Keene Western Adventure book, and have dubbed this fine, carefully done, book: Survivor. Instead of sending it to Red Deer Press, in Markham, Ontario, I sent it closer to home at Orca Book Publishers in Victoria, BC. But you have to wait, like, quarter of a year before you get a responce. I'm finding myself wishing they won't publish my book, for I have found them to be a big mistake. Now anyhow, I'm working on the second book, which I have already dubbed: Crash and Burn even though I haven't finished it yet! The title simply tells you that Helen, the hero, will make either the villains, or herself, crash and burn.
cool! I love the titleS!