I haz a kitten!
She is so cute, but I don't have an ok picture of her yet ;P
Anything else to say? Nope.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hey, you guys...
Do any of you review...?
I wonder...
Anyway...I'm going to go on a writing spree. I'm going to stop stalling. I'm going to fight my ADD, and focus on one of my stories.
*beinging to think of a reasonable plot*
I have this good idea...
But I don't have a good plot...
And I don't know what type of creatures will be in it...
Wait! I've played the first two games of the "Myst" series by Ubisoft...
Maybe I could write something like that...
Or maybe not...
I gotta listen to "Call Me Artemis Fowl"...
It'll inspire me...
UGH! Christmas is distracting me!
I'm distracted...
Do any of you review...?
I wonder...
Anyway...I'm going to go on a writing spree. I'm going to stop stalling. I'm going to fight my ADD, and focus on one of my stories.
*beinging to think of a reasonable plot*
I have this good idea...
But I don't have a good plot...
And I don't know what type of creatures will be in it...
Wait! I've played the first two games of the "Myst" series by Ubisoft...
Maybe I could write something like that...
Or maybe not...
I gotta listen to "Call Me Artemis Fowl"...
It'll inspire me...
UGH! Christmas is distracting me!
I'm distracted...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I Have a Fried Brain...
Hi, guys! School is really bringing me down. But I got interviewed by my friend, Rachel! Check out the post: http://rachelsblog-rachael.blogspot.com/2011/10/interview-with-mikaela.html
I've got three books on the go. The Fractured Mirror Chronicles: Shattered, Time Heroes: Time Cowboys, and one I don't have a title for. I have big ideas for all three. Shattered used to be The Uprising of Dr. Matthew. I changed the name and the plot.
Lately, other than thinking that my brain's fried and about my stories, I've been wondering about my IQ. How many IQ points do I have? Can any of you find an easy IQ test for me? Because I've been wondering... In 4-H, I had this Judging compotition. I got 2nd place for everything in my club, 2nd place for the Yellowhead 4-H District in judging English Saddles (which is funny, since I don't ride English), and 1st for the Yellowhead 4-H District in judging Photography! That means, out of all the kids that where there, I got 1st for Photography and 2nd for judging English saddles! *high five* I'm so happy!
I've got three books on the go. The Fractured Mirror Chronicles: Shattered, Time Heroes: Time Cowboys, and one I don't have a title for. I have big ideas for all three. Shattered used to be The Uprising of Dr. Matthew. I changed the name and the plot.
Lately, other than thinking that my brain's fried and about my stories, I've been wondering about my IQ. How many IQ points do I have? Can any of you find an easy IQ test for me? Because I've been wondering... In 4-H, I had this Judging compotition. I got 2nd place for everything in my club, 2nd place for the Yellowhead 4-H District in judging English Saddles (which is funny, since I don't ride English), and 1st for the Yellowhead 4-H District in judging Photography! That means, out of all the kids that where there, I got 1st for Photography and 2nd for judging English saddles! *high five* I'm so happy!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Artemis Fowl: One Heck of an Adventure
I've currently have read all seven Artemis Fowl books, and have found them very enjoyable, even though there is some usage of God's name in vain, and some swearing.
This book is for anyone, 10 and up, who wants to read a very enjoyable Real world/Fantasy world mix. But I'm glad it's for teenagers, because they could not possibly understand half of what they were talking about if they were 8...or 9... and their parents might be horror stricken if their young kids started swearing.
But I don't mind. All the swearing (which isn't using God's name in vain) was stuff I hear coming out of my parents' mouths when they get angry enough to lose control of their self control. Which scares me.
But, back to the point. I don't want to give anything away, because then that would unfair. I might find the actor that plays Artemis on my doorstep! Eeep!
And another thing. The faries use a swear word (D'Arvit) that the author doesn't want to translate because it means something really fowl. Did I just create a pun? Huh, whatever. So that it is a swear word, I advise you not to use it.
There's a lot of violence in these books, but not enough to scar anyone for life. And there's humor. If you like humor, then that's good.
It seems that Artemis Fowl is popular enough to have two theme songs! And his movie isn't even out yet! The first song (Call Me Artemis Fowl) and the second song (Complex: Atlantis) can be found here: http://www.artemisfowl.com/
The books are good enough that they inspired me to write my own fanfiction (but you'd have to read all the books before you could understand what was going on): Amethyst Fowl.
Yeah. So, I hope you enjoyed my little...uh...review of the series.
What is great is that it has inspired me to write my own series starring a teenager genius and a girl dreamer. I'll update you guys on it soon enough. But I can't do it now, because there are potatoes on the stove and they might bubble over. It's Mom's birthday today, and I am making her dinner. And my birthday's coming up in about 17 days. I hope I can keep my cool until then. I've been hoping for some of the "Left Behind Kids" books.
I'm rambling, aren't I?
This book is for anyone, 10 and up, who wants to read a very enjoyable Real world/Fantasy world mix. But I'm glad it's for teenagers, because they could not possibly understand half of what they were talking about if they were 8...or 9... and their parents might be horror stricken if their young kids started swearing.
But I don't mind. All the swearing (which isn't using God's name in vain) was stuff I hear coming out of my parents' mouths when they get angry enough to lose control of their self control. Which scares me.
But, back to the point. I don't want to give anything away, because then that would unfair. I might find the actor that plays Artemis on my doorstep! Eeep!
And another thing. The faries use a swear word (D'Arvit) that the author doesn't want to translate because it means something really fowl. Did I just create a pun? Huh, whatever. So that it is a swear word, I advise you not to use it.
There's a lot of violence in these books, but not enough to scar anyone for life. And there's humor. If you like humor, then that's good.
It seems that Artemis Fowl is popular enough to have two theme songs! And his movie isn't even out yet! The first song (Call Me Artemis Fowl) and the second song (Complex: Atlantis) can be found here: http://www.artemisfowl.com/
The books are good enough that they inspired me to write my own fanfiction (but you'd have to read all the books before you could understand what was going on): Amethyst Fowl.
Yeah. So, I hope you enjoyed my little...uh...review of the series.
What is great is that it has inspired me to write my own series starring a teenager genius and a girl dreamer. I'll update you guys on it soon enough. But I can't do it now, because there are potatoes on the stove and they might bubble over. It's Mom's birthday today, and I am making her dinner. And my birthday's coming up in about 17 days. I hope I can keep my cool until then. I've been hoping for some of the "Left Behind Kids" books.
I'm rambling, aren't I?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Race to Leave, a sonic the hedgehog fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Race to Leave, a sonic the hedgehog fanfic - FanFiction.Net
Read this! It's about the World Trade Center on 9/11. Only two swear words in it, so it should be ok.
Also, there was an small earthquake on the west coast. Hm...
Read this! It's about the World Trade Center on 9/11. Only two swear words in it, so it should be ok.
Also, there was an small earthquake on the west coast. Hm...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
August...Isn't Warm Here?
Hey, guys...so, for some reason, it's not hot here where I live, but it seems that it isn't going to stay cool for long.
I'm working on my stories, and it seems that I'm having troubles. I keep putting too many "I"s since I'm writing two of them in first person view. After a while I noticed that it was 'I' this and 'I' that! I feel I'm digging my own grave of embarressment! Maybe it's because I haven't lately been reading any books written in first person view! That may be my problem! That means that I'll have to go thru my personal library for my favourite books that are written in first person view. Reading never hurts. That makes me happy, knowing that maybe I'm not doomed to a life of shame because I'm relapsing on my 13 year old style of writing. I just have to extend my mind more, and keep myself from being distracted. It never helps to be distracted!
Also, I'm finding out about all these neat bands, and I want to be able to listen to them. They are: Relient K, Owl City...um, that's all of them at the moment.
But anyway, that really isn't the point.
But I'm really enjoying the summer, and I hope you are too.
I'm working on my stories, and it seems that I'm having troubles. I keep putting too many "I"s since I'm writing two of them in first person view. After a while I noticed that it was 'I' this and 'I' that! I feel I'm digging my own grave of embarressment! Maybe it's because I haven't lately been reading any books written in first person view! That may be my problem! That means that I'll have to go thru my personal library for my favourite books that are written in first person view. Reading never hurts. That makes me happy, knowing that maybe I'm not doomed to a life of shame because I'm relapsing on my 13 year old style of writing. I just have to extend my mind more, and keep myself from being distracted. It never helps to be distracted!
Also, I'm finding out about all these neat bands, and I want to be able to listen to them. They are: Relient K, Owl City...um, that's all of them at the moment.
But anyway, that really isn't the point.
But I'm really enjoying the summer, and I hope you are too.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Books, Writing, and Foxes
I drew this picture. This is how I draw my characters. But sadly, this guy isn't going to be in my stories. I haven't drawn my characters yet, because I'm still trying to figure out what colour Mikaela's fur is supposed to be! Please vote on my poll! Someone has already and I think it was Rachel, but I'm not sure. Silver's an OK colour, but I need people's opinions.
Anyway, I've come to a part in The Uprising of Doctor Matthew that is very intense, so I must consentrait. What would YOU do if an army of men from the future came after you because you're the person their boss wants? Eh, you can give me your opinions, I guess, but I've got an idea, and your opinion might be saved for later.
Phantom Horse Hollow is not going as fast as I want it to, but I have my reasons. A) I've been busy, and B) I've been reading up on very interesting stories. I need to fuel my ideas with reading, and I'm glad I like to read. Also, I'm thinking or redoing the themes for my characters. The ones from before seemed like they didn't fit. I'm speaking of my characters from The Uprising of Doctor Matthew. Remember that author-meme-thing I did a while ago? I'm thinking of doing it again, and that is where you'll see the theme songs. I'll be doing it soon, but not today...

The book Invasion by Jon S. Lewis has inspired me to write a bit more action and that not everybody is perfect. I've always felt a little uncomfortable about writing about creatures from other planets ending up on Earth, because, that's too unreal, isn't it? But it isn't. Even though we don't believe aliens exist, you can still make them real enough in the story. That's what I'm going to try to do.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Kingdom Series
I had to talk about this series. This is the first book of the series by Chuck Black called "The Kingdom Series". It's an allegory of the Bible.
"He's just a young man, but that doesn't change the truth. He was chosen..."
I just love the Medival theme. I've been a Medival nut since I read about it in history. I just love all the sword fighting and thefight of Good against Evil. In this story, everything is named differently, leaving you to guess while you're trying to be caught up in the adventure. It is fun. There's another series written by Chuck Black, and it looks interesting.
"Fierce castle lords hold the Kingdom Hostage. But a champion is coming..."
Just imagining the scene of the battles took my breath away. This series is better than Video Games, I have to say. They're making a movie of these books, and I'm wondering if a game is going to be made out of the movie. he say they may have use for the fans in the movie, and I want to be one to be on the set, no matter where in the world I have to go. It would be so cool to be on the screen. Don't you agree? I've always wanted to be on a movie.
"He was doomed to life of hopelessness and dispare. Then the stranger arrived..."
I found Chuck Black's page on Facebook, and I 'Liked' him. Now I'll get updates about him and his books. I'm so excited. I'll have to keep my eye out if I want to be part of the movie. Hopefully I'll find out soon. But it may take a few years. I'll have to be patient. by then, I'll probably be a tiny bit taller, a bit more mature, and maybe a bit skinnier and have no pimples.
"A sworn enemy of the Prince vows to eliminate His Followers. Until the Prince saved his life..."
I've only read five of the six books, and I'm so gripped on them. It's insane! I found these books at the little book shop set up in the cafeteria of the camp I went to. The people running it were really nice. I want to visit their shop some day. But my favourite place I like to dream about is the land in this series. *sigh*
"An evil army masses against the Knights of the Prince, and they are outnumbered. Only the King can save them..."
I can't wait to read the tie up of the series. I bet it's going to be intense!
"He's just a young man, but that doesn't change the truth. He was chosen..."
I just love the Medival theme. I've been a Medival nut since I read about it in history. I just love all the sword fighting and thefight of Good against Evil. In this story, everything is named differently, leaving you to guess while you're trying to be caught up in the adventure. It is fun. There's another series written by Chuck Black, and it looks interesting.
"Fierce castle lords hold the Kingdom Hostage. But a champion is coming..."
Just imagining the scene of the battles took my breath away. This series is better than Video Games, I have to say. They're making a movie of these books, and I'm wondering if a game is going to be made out of the movie. he say they may have use for the fans in the movie, and I want to be one to be on the set, no matter where in the world I have to go. It would be so cool to be on the screen. Don't you agree? I've always wanted to be on a movie.
"He was doomed to life of hopelessness and dispare. Then the stranger arrived..."
I found Chuck Black's page on Facebook, and I 'Liked' him. Now I'll get updates about him and his books. I'm so excited. I'll have to keep my eye out if I want to be part of the movie. Hopefully I'll find out soon. But it may take a few years. I'll have to be patient. by then, I'll probably be a tiny bit taller, a bit more mature, and maybe a bit skinnier and have no pimples.
"A sworn enemy of the Prince vows to eliminate His Followers. Until the Prince saved his life..."
I've only read five of the six books, and I'm so gripped on them. It's insane! I found these books at the little book shop set up in the cafeteria of the camp I went to. The people running it were really nice. I want to visit their shop some day. But my favourite place I like to dream about is the land in this series. *sigh*
"An evil army masses against the Knights of the Prince, and they are outnumbered. Only the King can save them..."
I can't wait to read the tie up of the series. I bet it's going to be intense!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The comicality of this was just too funny. Shadow the Hedgehog (the black hedgehog with the chainsaw) says he's not cute and cuddly, and that he's quite dangerous. Of course, his friend, Maria (the blonde girl behind the bush in the background) is watching him, and he's always soft around her.
So she rushes up to him and kisses him before he knew what was coming. He drops the chainsaw and then faints while sighing "Mariaaaa..." I liked it a lot.
Anyway, my mind is constantly working. Ideas ar popping up. I'll keep you posted.
So she rushes up to him and kisses him before he knew what was coming. He drops the chainsaw and then faints while sighing "Mariaaaa..." I liked it a lot.
Anyway, my mind is constantly working. Ideas ar popping up. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Books and the Sun
The summer is going great so far, and I'm happy. Riding lessons went great yesterday, and my mom thinks I may be ready to lope (canter) soon.
But my brother is having troubles with bullies at the park and my heart burns as I hear the bullies voices drift through my window. The world has truely become heartless.
But on a lighter note, I think I've made a breakthrough in my story The Uprising of Doctor Matthew. Expect the word count to rise. I'm excited, because all the characters are getting new makovers! I think this story will be really awesome, so, I'll put a bit of chapter one it for you to mull about. Here you go!:
I was awoken by the sound of a car door being slammed shut. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to wake up. Why must mornings be so annoying? I asked myself as I sat up. I cradled my groggy head before forcing myself to my feet. And who would be coming over this early? I glanced at my side table clock and gasped when I saw it was nearly ten o’ clock!
I suddenly found myself rushing all over my room before dashing to the bathroom to have a shower. I came back out dressed with my hairdryer in my hands. I plugged it in and then blasted my hair with it until it was dry.
I dashed down the stairs fully clothed, wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt with white trim and sleeves that billowed out under the elbows, moss green cargo pants that had really long legs so I treaded on the hems, and black fingerless gloves.
At last minute as my mom went to answer the door, I sat down on the bannister and slid the rest of the way down to the first floor.
I was standing behind Mom as she answered the door.
“Ty!” Mom exclaimed at the sight of the man standing on our doorstep. She then shouted over her shoulder, “Henry, your friend Ty is here!”
Footsteps were heard as my father came into the foyer. “Ty! So good to see you!” he exclaimed. “How have your trips been?”
“Wonderful, simply wonderful,” Ty said with a thick British accent. He was smiling and Dad and this Ty were acting like they hadn’t seen each other for months. “I’ve been all over the place—” he saw me, and closed his mouth.
I looked at him strangely. What was he going to say?
Think about it for a bit. It may not be exciting, but it prevokes a sense of "Why?"
But my brother is having troubles with bullies at the park and my heart burns as I hear the bullies voices drift through my window. The world has truely become heartless.
But on a lighter note, I think I've made a breakthrough in my story The Uprising of Doctor Matthew. Expect the word count to rise. I'm excited, because all the characters are getting new makovers! I think this story will be really awesome, so, I'll put a bit of chapter one it for you to mull about. Here you go!:
I was awoken by the sound of a car door being slammed shut. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to wake up. Why must mornings be so annoying? I asked myself as I sat up. I cradled my groggy head before forcing myself to my feet. And who would be coming over this early? I glanced at my side table clock and gasped when I saw it was nearly ten o’ clock!
I suddenly found myself rushing all over my room before dashing to the bathroom to have a shower. I came back out dressed with my hairdryer in my hands. I plugged it in and then blasted my hair with it until it was dry.
I dashed down the stairs fully clothed, wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt with white trim and sleeves that billowed out under the elbows, moss green cargo pants that had really long legs so I treaded on the hems, and black fingerless gloves.
At last minute as my mom went to answer the door, I sat down on the bannister and slid the rest of the way down to the first floor.
I was standing behind Mom as she answered the door.
“Ty!” Mom exclaimed at the sight of the man standing on our doorstep. She then shouted over her shoulder, “Henry, your friend Ty is here!”
Footsteps were heard as my father came into the foyer. “Ty! So good to see you!” he exclaimed. “How have your trips been?”
“Wonderful, simply wonderful,” Ty said with a thick British accent. He was smiling and Dad and this Ty were acting like they hadn’t seen each other for months. “I’ve been all over the place—” he saw me, and closed his mouth.
I looked at him strangely. What was he going to say?
Think about it for a bit. It may not be exciting, but it prevokes a sense of "Why?"
Monday, July 4, 2011
The Alarmists
Don Hoesel, The Alarmists, 2011
"Wait a minute," she said, her eyes widening. "You're not saying..."
"If I'm right, we have less than nine days."
Sociologist Brent Michael's speciality is seeing order in the chaos of human interaction and he's just been given the most important assignment of his life. Joining a special Pentagon unit headed by Colonel Jameson Richards, they have one goal: Uncover why the world is rushing toward doomsday.
But Brent is a university professor. Does he have what it takes? It doesn't look like it since he's an outsider at the Pentagon and his computer will have to be confisticated at the end--which doesn't go well with Brent.
I give this book 3 stars out of 5. The suspence was awesome, but the way someone suddenly died turned me off. At some points, I had to close the book and put it down for a while. I had to mull over what had just happened for a bit before I could pick it back up and continue reading. I guess I'm just not the type to read about the military. But I'm sure that people that love reading military stories will love it.
I did not mention this in my last review, but I would like to note that this book was given to me for free by Bethany House Publishers.
I did not mention this in my last review, but I would like to note that this book was given to me for free by Bethany House Publishers.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Camp In One Week
So camp's in one week, and I admit that I'm getting kinda excited. I just hope there'll be enough power there for my computer. But that's only if my parents will let me bring it. But that's not why I'm excited, because I admit that staying in the camper is going to be hard with a little brother that has ADHD who. Never. Stops. Talking. I'll be missing my privacy for five days, but it ain't the end of the world. But the reason I'm excited is because it'll be a new place to explore and one of my favourite singers--Canadian Steve Bell--will be there to help run the camp. I love his work and I've been thinking that maybe my family will pull a prank on him. But we'll probably not do it, because I'll need my dad's help. And it would need the help of the WHOLE camp to pull it off. Oh, poor Steve, I can see his face now, pale and worried! Ha ha. Ah, but I'm not that mean. My books, meanwhile, are going slower than planned because Procrastination has come. I should write a story on how Procrastination comes and bugs Blaze whenever she tries to write. Heh, here come the plot bunnies!
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Girl in the Gatehouse
Julie Klassen, The Girl in the Gatehouse, 2010
Mariah (pronounced: Mir-eye-ah) Aubrey had to leave her home due to her dark past. Never did she know that her new life was going to be so different. The gatehouse provided a perfect home for Miss Dixon, her governess, and herself. It also provides the perfect hide away for Mariah's book writing.
Captian Matthew Bryant leases the estate that the gatehouse is on. He soon finds out that someone's living in the gatehouse and he's drawn to her like a...magnet. But he's on the estate for a reason, and it's not for the girl in the gatehouse. He's there to cover up his orgins--and to get his lady.
I loved this book. I give it 5 stars. If you're looking for a story that'll make it feel like you're actually there, then read this one. My favourite characters were, of course, Mariah and Matthew. There's nothing not to love about them. They both have balanced attitudes; and it is easy to connect with them. I would read this one again, it was just so enjoyable.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What to do...What to do...
I'm kinda mad at myself. I'm always wondering why I'm so different from other kids. Why I can't focus while doing school in my room rather than out in the living room. My parents are going to be really strict next year, and I won't have any breathing room. I even had this vauge idea that I should leave my home and live like a hermit. But I wouldn't do that, I don't want to break my mother's heart. So it'll end up a story idea that'll probably die. I seriously want to push myself so that I can be done my math before the I possibly leave for Ontario with my grandmother. I can't wait to be able to just let my worries fade away for just a bit. I haven't bee able to do that for so long... I worry about a lot...
I wish I wouldn't have to worry, really. I wish I wasn't so disorganized. If Mom hadn't pulled me out of just plain home schooling, I'd probably be done school by now. But Mom put me in on-line school 'cause she thought I "wasn't doing enough school", but I was. I was doing a lot and I was finished before lunch. I could get school done without having to worry about not knowing what I was doing. But as soon as I started on-line school, I was lost. I didn't know how to do half the things the teachers wanted me to do. And I had to do so many essays. Every week there was an essay in English, and they were about hard things. But that may be average in public schools. But then it was PE. PE is about loging how much exercize you've done. But the English teacher was also the PE teacher. So there were essays and projects in THAT class too. It was pure agony.
Now, I'm just writing this post before I go back to doing math. WHAT TO DO! I'm so frusterated at graphing lines! I've been doing it for so long that the information I'm trying to learn is just bouncing off my forehead now.
I'm sad now...
Maybe writing will help me.
I hope I'm in a better mood the next time I post...
I wish I wouldn't have to worry, really. I wish I wasn't so disorganized. If Mom hadn't pulled me out of just plain home schooling, I'd probably be done school by now. But Mom put me in on-line school 'cause she thought I "wasn't doing enough school", but I was. I was doing a lot and I was finished before lunch. I could get school done without having to worry about not knowing what I was doing. But as soon as I started on-line school, I was lost. I didn't know how to do half the things the teachers wanted me to do. And I had to do so many essays. Every week there was an essay in English, and they were about hard things. But that may be average in public schools. But then it was PE. PE is about loging how much exercize you've done. But the English teacher was also the PE teacher. So there were essays and projects in THAT class too. It was pure agony.
Now, I'm just writing this post before I go back to doing math. WHAT TO DO! I'm so frusterated at graphing lines! I've been doing it for so long that the information I'm trying to learn is just bouncing off my forehead now.
I'm sad now...
Maybe writing will help me.
I hope I'm in a better mood the next time I post...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
No Riding Today, Bro's Sick...
Hey peoples! I was supposed to go riding this morning, but Drew (my brother) threw up. Now I didn't get to ride my favourite lesson horse, Scoot. Well, at least I can get some more math done. You guys may be done school, but I'm behind on math.
The picture on this post is of Asobi the Game-Loving Hedgehog. She's going to be the mascot of my blog until I can get a picture of my main character for my most important book series I'm writing-Mikaela "Blaze" Rose the Cat-drawn. But I can't do that until I get Photoshop. Darn. I'm trying to get my writers block for The Uprising of Dr. Matthew gone, but I'm having trouble. I'm still trying to think if my plot is good enough... Phantom Horse Hollow is going along nice, and the plot is almost complete. I'm just trying to fill in the plot holes properly. Plot holes always give me a pain. I'm also always fighting my ADD (which thankfully, with the help of a Natropathic Doctor by the name of Davis Voji...something, it will be FIXED! Whooo!). But I'm typing away. I just hope my writing isn't being influenced by Video Games. Video Games can be a friend, keeping you occupied, but it can distract you from you writing and influence it. I had gotten a new game by the name of "Sonic and the Black Knight" a couple weeks ago. I have finished story mode, but I'm still working on some of the missions. Well, that game has set off a chain of Sonic-related dreams, and they plauge me every night. Not that I don't like them, they're actually pretty good, but I'm afraid they're influencing my writing.
I've made a world called 'Genivar' if you don't already know. In this world, humans and Humanoid animals live in peace with one another. The humanoid animals are drawn similar to Sonic and his friends, but they are as tall as the average human, and they have necks. Also, their arms aren't as long and they don't have as big of hands and feet. A friend of mine told me that I wasn't stealing SEGA's idea because there are some obvious differences between my characters and SEGA's charaters. But I still don't know...what do you think?
Here's a link to Sonic's page on Wikipedia.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
No More Poll?!
Yes, I took down the poll because I thought that I should simply call the horse in my fantasy "King". It will lead on to something else in the story and I'm not up to telling you anything about it yet. But you will still be mentioned in my acknowlegments.
I've got news--lots of it! Yesterday, I rode on my bike through a thunderstorm because I was coming home from the library. One lightning bolt struck so close that I felt the super-heated air whirl around me even before the thunder rolled. It was raining lightly then, but I knew the storm was about to break any minute. I went even faster, and went down a path between two houses. Then I tried to turn onto a gravel path, but ended up crashing into a chain link fence! Ouch... I managed to get home and into the house before the storm broke. As I stepped inside, the heavens opened, and the world outside was drenched. I'm glad I wasn't caught out in that. Man, I was scared for my life! I thought my writing days were over! But as I was biking, I kept saying over and over: "God will protect me, for I am His child." and "Speed is my friend." because I wanted to speed and not be scared. But I'm alive and i'm telling you this, so yeah.
I should go write some more in my story. So, ciao!
I've got news--lots of it! Yesterday, I rode on my bike through a thunderstorm because I was coming home from the library. One lightning bolt struck so close that I felt the super-heated air whirl around me even before the thunder rolled. It was raining lightly then, but I knew the storm was about to break any minute. I went even faster, and went down a path between two houses. Then I tried to turn onto a gravel path, but ended up crashing into a chain link fence! Ouch... I managed to get home and into the house before the storm broke. As I stepped inside, the heavens opened, and the world outside was drenched. I'm glad I wasn't caught out in that. Man, I was scared for my life! I thought my writing days were over! But as I was biking, I kept saying over and over: "God will protect me, for I am His child." and "Speed is my friend." because I wanted to speed and not be scared. But I'm alive and i'm telling you this, so yeah.
I should go write some more in my story. So, ciao!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Hailed from a Weary, Traversed All-Day Girl
I'm kinda bored, so I'm posting another post. I went to a town named Hinton today, and did it ever smell! The mill is smack dab in the middle of town, that's why!
I've got one vote already in my poll for the name of the horse in the semi-Fantasy: Phantom Horse Hollow, I'm writing. ThunderIce is a nice name...but I would like to know who chose that name. It would be really neat. Then I would be able to acknowledge you in the story! But, those who haven't participated in the poll, please do so. It is vital.
I'm redoing the characters in The Uprising or Dr. Matthew. The characters are totally different, so I'll leave you in the dark. Yeah, I'm evil like that...heh, heh, heh...
I got to take my computer to Hinton because my dad's truck has a plug-in in it. I got a ton done in Phantom Horse Hollow.
Anyway, I love it that I have readers! See you!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Hey All! Summer's Finally Here!
Here in Alberta, it had been raining for the last few weeks and I was beginning to think that Spring would never end and Summer would never begin. But the sunny weather has gotten me thinking and a new book idea has popped into my head. I've been wanting to write a Fantasy, but I couldn't think of anything. But now that I have brainstormed a bit, a series idea has formed. It all started when I began to read the first book of the "Phantom Stallion: Wild Horse Island" series. I said to myself: "I want to write a story were there is a girl that gets really close to this one horse." I thought about it a little bit more, and another idea came up. What if...the horse she became close to could...talk? Not with its mouth, but mind to mind--telepathically. Then I thought that the horse would have something to do with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table. It all clicked neatly together.
But I can't settle on the horse's name. I picked "ShadowFire" but I'm going to put a poll up of names and I would like you guys to vote.
Thanks for reading!
But I can't settle on the horse's name. I picked "ShadowFire" but I'm going to put a poll up of names and I would like you guys to vote.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Nothing is really going on with life at the moment other than I have to finish school, I got a new Wii game, and that I wont be able to play it until the third week of June...I'm angry about that...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Snippet of The Rise of the Wizard King
So...I'm trying to figure out how to start this fantasy I'm trying to write without it sounding too rushed. I need some help and guidence (sheesh, I've been writing for four years and I'm still having trouble!).
My blue-point Siamese cat, Shadow, pushed open the door and trotted in. He meowed and started purring before he was halfway across the room. I could remember the day I had got him. Boy was it a sad day…
Dad was leaving for work. I was only seven years old at the time. I pleaded with him not to go. I kept telling him that something was wrong, that I could sense something was going to happen. But maybe it was just the dream I had the night before, the one of dad on a ship with a sail sailing away, that was spooking me. I didn’t want him to go, but he didn’t listen to me. He left with his briefcase, waved as he went out the door, but then vanished without a trace. I heard a sucking sound, but there was no other sound after that died away.
That night, when Dad didn’t return, I burst out crying. I couldn’t possibly believe I was now fatherless and that my mom was husbandless. I felt like nothing in the world would ever be able to comfort me again.
But then…I heard a tapping sound on my window. I stopped crying and looked up. There sitting at my window, was a blue-point Siamese. Of course, I didn’t know much about cats then, since I was still a little kid. But was thinking when I saw him that he was one beautiful cat.
As I sat there looking at him in the late afternoon, dark clouds heavy with rain decided to dump their loads. The cat was quickly soaked to the skin. I rushed to the window and opened it. The cat jumped inside and shook itself. But I noticed that it was still damp.
My childhood logic told me to go get a towel and dry him off, so I did. I tiptoed into the hall, and went over to the linen closet. I opened it and reached for one of the big towels. I was careful to take one off the top so the rest wouldn’t come toppling down. I then took the towel to the cat and dried him. Then I wrapped him in a warm blanket of mine. I felt him shiver, so I decided to take him down to Mom.
That was how I met Shadow. Mom allowed me to keep him for the sake of trying to keep my mind off of Dad. But I never stopped thinking about him, even after I forgot his face.
Shadow jumped up onto my lap and curled into a ball. I stroked his white fur and then his blue tipped ears before picking up the book and opening it. It was strange that my history teacher had given me this instead of what everybody else got. But at least I didn’t have to write the essays everyone else had to.
Shadow’s purring was really loud as I began to read. But what surprised me was that the first page was taken up by a letter.
Dear Reader, I know that you may be looking at this page quizzically, but it is necessary. What you are going to read will unlock a whole new world to you, one full of many dangers and perils. Read at your own risk.
Read at my own risk? Huh, it sounded interesting. Whenever a book started that way, I had to read it, no matter what. So I spent the rest of the afternoon reading it. Even after I went to bed, I continued to read it. I couldn’t take my eyes from the page. But at three in the morning, I finally had to stop and go to bed before I crashed.
I laid the old, leather-bound book down on the small, round coffee table that sat beside the soft blue lounge chair I had in my room. I had to read this for school, and since it was Saturday, I had nothing better to do but to read a book.
My blue-point Siamese cat, Shadow, pushed open the door and trotted in. He meowed and started purring before he was halfway across the room. I could remember the day I had got him. Boy was it a sad day…
Dad was leaving for work. I was only seven years old at the time. I pleaded with him not to go. I kept telling him that something was wrong, that I could sense something was going to happen. But maybe it was just the dream I had the night before, the one of dad on a ship with a sail sailing away, that was spooking me. I didn’t want him to go, but he didn’t listen to me. He left with his briefcase, waved as he went out the door, but then vanished without a trace. I heard a sucking sound, but there was no other sound after that died away.
That night, when Dad didn’t return, I burst out crying. I couldn’t possibly believe I was now fatherless and that my mom was husbandless. I felt like nothing in the world would ever be able to comfort me again.
But then…I heard a tapping sound on my window. I stopped crying and looked up. There sitting at my window, was a blue-point Siamese. Of course, I didn’t know much about cats then, since I was still a little kid. But was thinking when I saw him that he was one beautiful cat.
As I sat there looking at him in the late afternoon, dark clouds heavy with rain decided to dump their loads. The cat was quickly soaked to the skin. I rushed to the window and opened it. The cat jumped inside and shook itself. But I noticed that it was still damp.
My childhood logic told me to go get a towel and dry him off, so I did. I tiptoed into the hall, and went over to the linen closet. I opened it and reached for one of the big towels. I was careful to take one off the top so the rest wouldn’t come toppling down. I then took the towel to the cat and dried him. Then I wrapped him in a warm blanket of mine. I felt him shiver, so I decided to take him down to Mom.
That was how I met Shadow. Mom allowed me to keep him for the sake of trying to keep my mind off of Dad. But I never stopped thinking about him, even after I forgot his face.
Shadow jumped up onto my lap and curled into a ball. I stroked his white fur and then his blue tipped ears before picking up the book and opening it. It was strange that my history teacher had given me this instead of what everybody else got. But at least I didn’t have to write the essays everyone else had to.
Shadow’s purring was really loud as I began to read. But what surprised me was that the first page was taken up by a letter.
Dear Reader, I know that you may be looking at this page quizzically, but it is necessary. What you are going to read will unlock a whole new world to you, one full of many dangers and perils. Read at your own risk.
Read at my own risk? Huh, it sounded interesting. Whenever a book started that way, I had to read it, no matter what. So I spent the rest of the afternoon reading it. Even after I went to bed, I continued to read it. I couldn’t take my eyes from the page. But at three in the morning, I finally had to stop and go to bed before I crashed.
So that's a whole chapter! How should I slow it down? Shouls I move the reading of the book to the next chapter?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Personifactation CHALLENGE!
This challenge was given by Teenage Writer! Let's roll!
I paused, trying to figure out just how she was going to talk to Dr. Matthew. I was about to say I was finished when Inspiration tapped me on the head with my writing pen. I turned to him with askance in my eyes. “Well,” he said, “think about Blaze’s options. How should she strike up a conversation with a man intent on ruling the whole world, thus triggering the Tribulation? It’s not like she’s going to be nice about it, because that’s just not what you do with a mad scientist.”
I nodded. “You’re right.”
Inspiration glanced at the screen, then looked back at me. “Y’know, you’re working on a very hard project right now. Shouldn’t you start on something easier…like a simple fantasy…?”
I growled at him. “Can we please focus on The Uprising of Doctor Matthew? I’m having a hard enough time focusing on it without you suggesting about starting another story on top of it!”
He lifted his hands in self-defence. “Alright! I was just suggesting it. You look pretty worn out on this book and I thought I would ease your mind.”
I glared at Inspiration, who took that moment to change into a white humanoid cat before my eyes. He then put on a cute face. He knew I couldn’t stand his cute face.
I groaned then chuckled. “You just know how to move me, don’t you?”
He nodded with a smile on his face.
“OK, but I’m not going to stop writing this story until it is finished. I’ve slacked off on my stories for too long.”
Inspiration nodded. “Well, let me retire for the night then because you’re getting mentally worn down and it’s 10 pm.”
I waved back at him as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Later, then I was in bed, my cell phone rang and my computer beeped because I had left it on. I grabbed my cell phone and answered it before it would attract my mom to my bedroom like a bee to honey. “Hello?”
“Mikaela of Alberta, I demand you hand over your babytiser machine!” I knew that voice all too well. I had many names for him, but it was all narrowed down to the name Procrastination.
“Babytiser machine?” I repeated. “What babytiser machine?”
“You know what I mean!” he hissed.
“Oh, go away!” I growled. “You’ve been a pain in the neck for the last few years and all I wish to do is to get rid of you!” I paused. “And why do you want my babytiser machine? I don’t know why you want it, and I don’t even know if it works!”
“Give it to me tomorrow, or your video game friends will die,” Procrastination hissed dangerously.
But I laughed, his macho-trying-to-be-dangerous attitude was making me giggle. “What video game friends?” I managed to say.
“You KNOW! The ones from SEGA and Nintendo!”
“Oh, those ones!” I nodded. “But sorry, they’re not real.”
I suddenly heard a yell and an electronic sizzle on Procrastination’s side of the phone. Was it just me, or did that just remind me of a Chaos Spear…
I shook my head as Procrastination came back on. “Ha! That was a close one! That black hedgehog is one tough cookie!”
I growled. “I’ll sick the Gondor army on you, Procrastination, if you don’t let them go RIGHT NOW!”
“Sorry, but you can’t have them until I get the babytiser machine!” then the line went dead.
I checked my email, and it turned out to be the same threat, but from someone else…
Whooo! Lets go!
I like to mind my own business, and write stories. For a few weeks, I had been going pretty smoothly and I was just writing the crucial part of when Blaze confronts the mad scientist Matthew for the first time. Inspiration was hanging over my shoulder, watching me work. He always came in handy when I was writing intense parts like this.
I paused, trying to figure out just how she was going to talk to Dr. Matthew. I was about to say I was finished when Inspiration tapped me on the head with my writing pen. I turned to him with askance in my eyes. “Well,” he said, “think about Blaze’s options. How should she strike up a conversation with a man intent on ruling the whole world, thus triggering the Tribulation? It’s not like she’s going to be nice about it, because that’s just not what you do with a mad scientist.”
I nodded. “You’re right.”
Inspiration glanced at the screen, then looked back at me. “Y’know, you’re working on a very hard project right now. Shouldn’t you start on something easier…like a simple fantasy…?”
I growled at him. “Can we please focus on The Uprising of Doctor Matthew? I’m having a hard enough time focusing on it without you suggesting about starting another story on top of it!”
He lifted his hands in self-defence. “Alright! I was just suggesting it. You look pretty worn out on this book and I thought I would ease your mind.”
I glared at Inspiration, who took that moment to change into a white humanoid cat before my eyes. He then put on a cute face. He knew I couldn’t stand his cute face.
I groaned then chuckled. “You just know how to move me, don’t you?”
He nodded with a smile on his face.
“OK, but I’m not going to stop writing this story until it is finished. I’ve slacked off on my stories for too long.”
Inspiration nodded. “Well, let me retire for the night then because you’re getting mentally worn down and it’s 10 pm.”
I waved back at him as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Later, then I was in bed, my cell phone rang and my computer beeped because I had left it on. I grabbed my cell phone and answered it before it would attract my mom to my bedroom like a bee to honey. “Hello?”
“Mikaela of Alberta, I demand you hand over your babytiser machine!” I knew that voice all too well. I had many names for him, but it was all narrowed down to the name Procrastination.
“Babytiser machine?” I repeated. “What babytiser machine?”
“You know what I mean!” he hissed.
“Oh, go away!” I growled. “You’ve been a pain in the neck for the last few years and all I wish to do is to get rid of you!” I paused. “And why do you want my babytiser machine? I don’t know why you want it, and I don’t even know if it works!”
“Give it to me tomorrow, or your video game friends will die,” Procrastination hissed dangerously.
But I laughed, his macho-trying-to-be-dangerous attitude was making me giggle. “What video game friends?” I managed to say.
“You KNOW! The ones from SEGA and Nintendo!”
“Oh, those ones!” I nodded. “But sorry, they’re not real.”
I suddenly heard a yell and an electronic sizzle on Procrastination’s side of the phone. Was it just me, or did that just remind me of a Chaos Spear…
I shook my head as Procrastination came back on. “Ha! That was a close one! That black hedgehog is one tough cookie!”
I growled. “I’ll sick the Gondor army on you, Procrastination, if you don’t let them go RIGHT NOW!”
“Sorry, but you can’t have them until I get the babytiser machine!” then the line went dead.
I checked my email, and it turned out to be the same threat, but from someone else…
How was that? That was my first installment, so watch out for more!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Hey, readers! Sorry for the wait, but I can tell you that there is hardly any snow left and I feel like I'm not buried anymore. Also, my story is being rewritten again *pauses to think about the title for a sec so she can tell the readers*, and its name is The Chronicles of Genivar: The Uprising of Doctor Matthew. Phew, that took a lot of work. Procastination, complete with sword, is trying to kidnap Inspiration, but I won't let him. I have a fresh mind to start this story, thanks to spring and the Steve Bell concert I went to last night! I'm thinking really hard about this story so I don't mess up. Thankfully, when I was talking to a good friend of mine, I made up a plot that I plan to share with you. I'm not very good at making plots, but this one actually turned out very good. Funny how things turn out like that. But I had managed to pull this together just by adding things I had read and turning things into other things. Man, I knew it would come to me... So here's the plot.
After meeting a mysterious man in a black cloak, Mikaela "Blaze" Rose falls into a Time Pool and finds herself 400 years into the future. But she didn't know that until she is captured by the king's guard and thrown into a dungeon. Of course, she is scared. She writes stories, and she isn't ment to be the in one. She soon finds out that there is another type of people in the world now. They're humanoid animals, and they're called Genivarians. Humans are still called humans. The Genivarians appeared 350 years ago, and the first the Genivarians used to be human. They didn't evolve, they were injected with a serum so they transformed. But Blaze still is cofused about this. "I'm still in my time, right?" she said. "I've just gone to another world, right?" Be she is so wrong. She has to get out of that dungeon and figure out what to do! And she also has to stop an almost mad scientist from upsurping the thrown!
So how was that? Sorry, Rachel, but I had to change the amount of time. I'm so excited, because I have a feeling that this story has the potential it needs to get on the market!
After meeting a mysterious man in a black cloak, Mikaela "Blaze" Rose falls into a Time Pool and finds herself 400 years into the future. But she didn't know that until she is captured by the king's guard and thrown into a dungeon. Of course, she is scared. She writes stories, and she isn't ment to be the in one. She soon finds out that there is another type of people in the world now. They're humanoid animals, and they're called Genivarians. Humans are still called humans. The Genivarians appeared 350 years ago, and the first the Genivarians used to be human. They didn't evolve, they were injected with a serum so they transformed. But Blaze still is cofused about this. "I'm still in my time, right?" she said. "I've just gone to another world, right?" Be she is so wrong. She has to get out of that dungeon and figure out what to do! And she also has to stop an almost mad scientist from upsurping the thrown!
So how was that? Sorry, Rachel, but I had to change the amount of time. I'm so excited, because I have a feeling that this story has the potential it needs to get on the market!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Scrambling For a Way to Write My Book
Ugh! I'm suffering! Suffering I tell you! School is weilding it's ugly hammer and has pounded me over the head. It continues to do so. I have no time to do ANYTHING! Three essays for PE (which is outrageous, don't you agree?), and those take a lot of time.
I would also do anything to get rid of this snow so that I could bike to the library and have some peace while walking amongst my favourite items. But this snow wont go away and it comes up to my hip. I've gotten stuck and have lost my boots too many times to be happy about snow anymore.
And I have my pal Writer's Block (aka: Procrastination) sitting on my shoulder. Writers Block keeps giving me problems, so I had to resart my story and then write my plot before even stepping foot in the world of words and pictures. Oh, and my head hurts when I try to force myself to not rush my story either. HOW DO YOU WRITERS WRITE LIKE YOU DO? Oh, you know, it's probably my slight case of ADD that's holding me back. Oh well.
So I'm going to post the first chapter of the story once I've completed the firse chapter.
Until then, see ya!
I would also do anything to get rid of this snow so that I could bike to the library and have some peace while walking amongst my favourite items. But this snow wont go away and it comes up to my hip. I've gotten stuck and have lost my boots too many times to be happy about snow anymore.
And I have my pal Writer's Block (aka: Procrastination) sitting on my shoulder. Writers Block keeps giving me problems, so I had to resart my story and then write my plot before even stepping foot in the world of words and pictures. Oh, and my head hurts when I try to force myself to not rush my story either. HOW DO YOU WRITERS WRITE LIKE YOU DO? Oh, you know, it's probably my slight case of ADD that's holding me back. Oh well.
So I'm going to post the first chapter of the story once I've completed the firse chapter.
Until then, see ya!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Beautiful For Me
I thought this movie was so beautiful! *sniff sniff*
Sorry boys, this is a girl song! But you can watch it if you want.
Any girl is beautiful, no matter what they look like!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Satan, Bite the Dust!
This is one of my most favourite song by Carman. I found it on Facebook because a friend of mine (who so happens to be named Carman aswell--but she's not the singer Carman I'm talking about!) posted it. I had to put here so I wouldn't forget it!
I like it so much because it is set in a Western Saloon. I love anything to do with Westerns--even though I don't read or watch anything to do with them. But this movie is symbolic in a way, even though I can't seem to decipher it.
This is a short post, just because I wanted to put this up.
See you readers!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Process of Book
OK, so this post really doesn't have anything to do with Sonic the Hedgehog. It's just a ranndom pic that I decided to pick (I don't think the pun was intended...).
Anyway, I got this idea from Jake (AKA: Teenage Writer)'s blog. I thought it was really cool, so I'm going to do what he did. Here's a link to his blog. I hope you enjoy the news about my book, and so when I get it published, I hope you buy it! Eee! So excited! Eh...sorry, got insanely excited.
Just a note before I go doing this thing: The picture says: A New Beginning. My book is being rewritten for the third time due to faulty plots etc. So its having a new beginning. Just thought I should clear that up! So enjoy what I say...I mean it!
1. What's your word count?
2,973 words...It's just the beginning...
How long until you finish?
If writers block doesn't hit me and school doesn't kill me--maybe a month.
If you have finished, how long did it take you?
Haven't finished. Sorry.
Do you have an outline?
Uh...its under construction...ha! even though I'm 2973 words into the book!
Do you have a plot?
Under construction. I have a motto: "The thicker the plot, the more intersting the story!"
How many words do you typically write a day?
Um...If you say 'typically' you mean approximately? Um...if I have an insparation, I would type over 2000 words.
What was your greatest count in one day?
I think it was a maximum of 5000...
What was your least impressive in one day?
Ten words...?
What inspired to write?
Um...video games...and J.J.R Tolkiens books and C.S. Lewis's books...I know I'm strange, but that's what happened...
Does your novel/story have a theme song?
*question mark appears above head* Um...? Let me think...that'll take awhile..."Speak With Your Heart" by Cash Cash? Um...maybe not that one. Let me think about it.
Assign each of your characters a theme song.
,:| Ok... I'll do that! That'd be cool!
Mickey Rose: Take On Me by a-ha
Scarlett Carr: We Got the Beat by the Go Go's
Padme Ivy: Wonder by Michael W. Smith
Darcy Irons: Never Surrender by Cory Hart
Dr. Eric Blackman (villian): E.G.G.M.A.N. (remix) by Paul Shortino
Which character is most like you?
Well, Mickey is most like me, but Scarlett is my mischeivious side (or however you spell that word!)
Which character would you most likeyly be friends with?
Darcy...and Scarlett...oh and Padme!
Do you have a Gary-Stu or a Mary Sue character?
Um no! All of my main characters have anmesia and they have their own problems!
Who is you favourite character in your novel?
*facepalm* I LIKE THEM ALL! Even my villain! I quote: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!"
Have your characters ever done something completely unexpected?
Um, not yet...at least I *Ahem*
Have you based any of your novels on personal experiences?
Not yet...
Do you believe in plot bunnies?
Um...no...'cause I don't know what they are!
Is there magic in your novel/story?
Nope, because my parents don't like it.
Are any holidays celebrated in your story?
Does anyone die?
Wasn't planning on any deaths...
How many cups of coffee/tea/hot chocolate have you consumed during your writing experiance?
Lots! TONS! LITRES! Well, of hot chocolate anyway. I'm not into tea or coffee. But I'm into ice caps from Tim Hortons (or in my story, Jim Thortons, hehe).
What is the lastest you have stayed up writing?
Past midnight...hehe...until my parents found out :(
What is the best line?
Uh, Dr. Eric Blackman's line: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!" Which was because the Dark King had hold upon the world and Dr. Blackman wanted to upsurp him.
What is the worst line?
"Yehaw!" Hannah (another character) says as she swings from her lasso. Then: "ouf!" as she slams into a wall. That was the best I could do!
Have you dreamed about your novel/story or its characters?
Sadly, no.
Does your novel rely heavily on alleygory?
NEVER! Well to put it lightly: no.
Summerize your novel/story in under 33 words.
"Mickey Rose knows nothing of herself. When she and her best friend, Hannah fall into Genivar, they find the world under darkness. They must save this world, or theirs might become like it."
Do you love all your characters?
Have you done something sadtistic or cruel to increase the word count?
If seperating a friend from a friend is cruel.
What was the last thing your main character ate?
She hasn't eaten yet.
Describe your main character in three words.
Sweet. Tomboyish. Tough.
What would your antagonist dress up as for halloween?
Um...there are two antagonists...one's the Dark King, and people would dress up as him, and the other is a mad scientist that would dress up as himself.
Does anyone in your story go to a place of worship?
I don't think they would get a chance to get near a church. But then again, I haven't finished the book yet.
How many romantic relationships take place in your novel/story?
Are there any explotions in your novel/story?
There will be! :D
Is there an apocalypse in your novel/story?
Well if an apocalypse is when everything is under darkness...
Does your novel take place in a post-apocalyptic world?
I have no idea...
Are there ombies, vampires or werewolves in your novel/story?
My parents would murder me if I put anything like that in my stories.
Are there witches, wizards or mythological creatures/figures in your novel/story?
Is anyone reincarnated?
You know, I wouldn't put something like that in my story. I don't believe in that. You die and you got to heaven or hell. This question reminds me of Sonic '06.
Is anyone physically ailed?
I don't know yet...
Is anyone mentally ill?
I don't want anyone to be!!!
Does anyone have swine flu?
Ew. No.
Who has a pet in your novel and what are they?
I don't want to have pets for my characters or they would slow them down. But Hannah and Mickey have horses.
Are there angels, demons, or any religous references/figures in your novel/story?
How about political figures?
A king, yes. Obama, no.
Is there incessant drinking?
Are there boardgames? If so, which ones?
Are there any dream sequences?
Yes, including flashbacks.
Is there humor?
Is there tragedy?
Gotta have tragedy! Or the book would be boring!
Does anyone have a temper tantrum?
How many characters become single by the end of your novel/story?
Is anyone in your story adopted?
Does anyone in your novel/story wear glasses?
Yes: Dr. Blackman.
Has your novel/story provided insight about your life?
A little.
Your personality?
A bit.
How many people have asked to read your novel/story?
My family and my friend.
Have you drawn any of your characters?
Yes, almost all of them!
Has anyone drawn your characters for you?
Does anyone vomit in your novel/story?
Not yet.
What size shoe does your main character wear?
Ask her yourself?
Do any of the characters in your novel/story use a computer?
All of them! C'mon people! This is a Sci-Fi book we're talking about here!
How would you react if your novel/story was erased entirly?
If I could shapeshift, I would turn into Shadow the Hedgehog, but since I can't, I'd just become very moody.
Did you cry at killing off any of your characters?
When I was writing a flashback about Dr. Blackman's father just before he died, I was sniffling.
Did you cheer when killing off one of your characters?
This is an odd question...
What advice would you give a fellow writer?
Join a writer's guild. Find an agent.
Describe your ending in three words.
What in the world?! I refuse! I'd get Scarlett to burn you for asking that question!
Are there any love triangles, squares, hexagons, etc?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least stressful, 10 being the most stressful) what is you stress rank?
Was it worth it?
I guess...
I tah all of you to put this on your blog!
Anyway, I got this idea from Jake (AKA: Teenage Writer)'s blog. I thought it was really cool, so I'm going to do what he did. Here's a link to his blog. I hope you enjoy the news about my book, and so when I get it published, I hope you buy it! Eee! So excited! Eh...sorry, got insanely excited.
Just a note before I go doing this thing: The picture says: A New Beginning. My book is being rewritten for the third time due to faulty plots etc. So its having a new beginning. Just thought I should clear that up! So enjoy what I say...I mean it!
1. What's your word count?
2,973 words...It's just the beginning...
How long until you finish?
If writers block doesn't hit me and school doesn't kill me--maybe a month.
If you have finished, how long did it take you?
Haven't finished. Sorry.
Do you have an outline?
Uh...its under construction...ha! even though I'm 2973 words into the book!
Do you have a plot?
Under construction. I have a motto: "The thicker the plot, the more intersting the story!"
How many words do you typically write a day?
Um...If you say 'typically' you mean approximately? Um...if I have an insparation, I would type over 2000 words.
What was your greatest count in one day?
I think it was a maximum of 5000...
What was your least impressive in one day?
Ten words...?
What inspired to write?
Um...video games...and J.J.R Tolkiens books and C.S. Lewis's books...I know I'm strange, but that's what happened...
Does your novel/story have a theme song?
*question mark appears above head* Um...? Let me think...that'll take awhile..."Speak With Your Heart" by Cash Cash? Um...maybe not that one. Let me think about it.
Assign each of your characters a theme song.
,:| Ok... I'll do that! That'd be cool!
Mickey Rose: Take On Me by a-ha
Scarlett Carr: We Got the Beat by the Go Go's
Padme Ivy: Wonder by Michael W. Smith
Darcy Irons: Never Surrender by Cory Hart
Dr. Eric Blackman (villian): E.G.G.M.A.N. (remix) by Paul Shortino
Which character is most like you?
Well, Mickey is most like me, but Scarlett is my mischeivious side (or however you spell that word!)
Which character would you most likeyly be friends with?
Darcy...and Scarlett...oh and Padme!
Do you have a Gary-Stu or a Mary Sue character?
Um no! All of my main characters have anmesia and they have their own problems!
Who is you favourite character in your novel?
*facepalm* I LIKE THEM ALL! Even my villain! I quote: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!"
Have your characters ever done something completely unexpected?
Um, not yet...at least I *Ahem*
Have you based any of your novels on personal experiences?
Not yet...
Do you believe in plot bunnies?
Um...no...'cause I don't know what they are!
Is there magic in your novel/story?
Nope, because my parents don't like it.
Are any holidays celebrated in your story?
Does anyone die?
Wasn't planning on any deaths...
How many cups of coffee/tea/hot chocolate have you consumed during your writing experiance?
Lots! TONS! LITRES! Well, of hot chocolate anyway. I'm not into tea or coffee. But I'm into ice caps from Tim Hortons (or in my story, Jim Thortons, hehe).
What is the lastest you have stayed up writing?
Past midnight...hehe...until my parents found out :(
What is the best line?
Uh, Dr. Eric Blackman's line: "How can I take over the city when there is no city?!" Which was because the Dark King had hold upon the world and Dr. Blackman wanted to upsurp him.
What is the worst line?
"Yehaw!" Hannah (another character) says as she swings from her lasso. Then: "ouf!" as she slams into a wall. That was the best I could do!
Have you dreamed about your novel/story or its characters?
Sadly, no.
Does your novel rely heavily on alleygory?
NEVER! Well to put it lightly: no.
Summerize your novel/story in under 33 words.
"Mickey Rose knows nothing of herself. When she and her best friend, Hannah fall into Genivar, they find the world under darkness. They must save this world, or theirs might become like it."
Do you love all your characters?
Have you done something sadtistic or cruel to increase the word count?
If seperating a friend from a friend is cruel.
What was the last thing your main character ate?
She hasn't eaten yet.
Describe your main character in three words.
Sweet. Tomboyish. Tough.
What would your antagonist dress up as for halloween?
Um...there are two antagonists...one's the Dark King, and people would dress up as him, and the other is a mad scientist that would dress up as himself.
Does anyone in your story go to a place of worship?
I don't think they would get a chance to get near a church. But then again, I haven't finished the book yet.
How many romantic relationships take place in your novel/story?
Are there any explotions in your novel/story?
There will be! :D
Is there an apocalypse in your novel/story?
Well if an apocalypse is when everything is under darkness...
Does your novel take place in a post-apocalyptic world?
I have no idea...
Are there ombies, vampires or werewolves in your novel/story?
My parents would murder me if I put anything like that in my stories.
Are there witches, wizards or mythological creatures/figures in your novel/story?
Is anyone reincarnated?
You know, I wouldn't put something like that in my story. I don't believe in that. You die and you got to heaven or hell. This question reminds me of Sonic '06.
Is anyone physically ailed?
I don't know yet...
Is anyone mentally ill?
I don't want anyone to be!!!
Does anyone have swine flu?
Ew. No.
Who has a pet in your novel and what are they?
I don't want to have pets for my characters or they would slow them down. But Hannah and Mickey have horses.
Are there angels, demons, or any religous references/figures in your novel/story?
How about political figures?
A king, yes. Obama, no.
Is there incessant drinking?
Are there boardgames? If so, which ones?
Are there any dream sequences?
Yes, including flashbacks.
Is there humor?
Is there tragedy?
Gotta have tragedy! Or the book would be boring!
Does anyone have a temper tantrum?
How many characters become single by the end of your novel/story?
Is anyone in your story adopted?
Does anyone in your novel/story wear glasses?
Yes: Dr. Blackman.
Has your novel/story provided insight about your life?
A little.
Your personality?
A bit.
How many people have asked to read your novel/story?
My family and my friend.
Have you drawn any of your characters?
Yes, almost all of them!
Has anyone drawn your characters for you?
Does anyone vomit in your novel/story?
Not yet.
What size shoe does your main character wear?
Ask her yourself?
Do any of the characters in your novel/story use a computer?
All of them! C'mon people! This is a Sci-Fi book we're talking about here!
How would you react if your novel/story was erased entirly?
If I could shapeshift, I would turn into Shadow the Hedgehog, but since I can't, I'd just become very moody.
Did you cry at killing off any of your characters?
When I was writing a flashback about Dr. Blackman's father just before he died, I was sniffling.
Did you cheer when killing off one of your characters?
This is an odd question...
What advice would you give a fellow writer?
Join a writer's guild. Find an agent.
Describe your ending in three words.
What in the world?! I refuse! I'd get Scarlett to burn you for asking that question!
Are there any love triangles, squares, hexagons, etc?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least stressful, 10 being the most stressful) what is you stress rank?
Was it worth it?
I guess...
I tah all of you to put this on your blog!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I Think I May Just Have Found the Title for the Series I'm Writing...
I think I found the title for the series...but I'll accept your suggestions...
The options I have are these: The Genivar Legacy, The Heroes Legacy, The Adventures of Mickey and Her Friends...that's all I can think of. I will also introduce you to some of the characters! I've found a way to mae them look almost like I imagined them!
The options I have are these: The Genivar Legacy, The Heroes Legacy, The Adventures of Mickey and Her Friends...that's all I can think of. I will also introduce you to some of the characters! I've found a way to mae them look almost like I imagined them!
The main character: Mikaela "Mickey" Rose. You'll have to read the books to find out who she is and what her part is in the story. :)
This is a secondary character: Jerusha McKenna. She is Mickey's constant companion and best friend.
This is Scarlett Carr. Yes, two t's and two r's. She becomes Mickey's friend when she tries to stop Darcy Irons (a character that will not be shown) from carrying her off.
And finally....
He's older than this, and he's a bounty hunter. He is NOT the villain of the story--he actually becomes good in some part of the book. The government of Canada contacts him and tells him to track down Mickey because she wasn't supposed to have come to Genivar. But the good side of him shines through at the end.
There are other characters, like the Dark King, and Dr. Blackman. HaHa!
Monday, February 21, 2011
I Need Help to Find A Title!
So hey! I'm having trouble thinking of a title for this book series I'm trying to write. I just can't think of a good name...since it's fantasy and all. The first book--which I'm working on starts on a happy note...sort of. The main character is a girl who has amnesia. She takes on the name 'Mikaela "Mickey" Rose', but she can't tell if it's hers or not. In the beginning of the book, she is described as a girl 5' 6", with brown hair and hazel eyes. So keep a picture of her in your brain as I begin to explain a bit more. But, when she's out exploring the nearby forest on her "parents'" property with a friend named Hannah, she and her friend fall into a new world called Genivar. Mickey get seperated from Hannah, and then she comes across a city that looks like it came from a nightmare. Now lets see if I can get a picture of a city similar to what I had imagined it be like...yes! I found one! Here it is:
So this is what the city looks like. There's always a red aura to the place, and it's always dark. The only light you can go by in this city is by flashlight or streetlamp. It's a very sad place, but it is also very scary. An evil being known as the Dark King caused this. His minions/army are known as the Shadow Rangers. They act as the police. But everyone in the city is good, because all the criminals had already vapourized into Shadow Rangers. The good ones are the condemed ones.
Please think up a action filled name, please!
So this is what the city looks like. There's always a red aura to the place, and it's always dark. The only light you can go by in this city is by flashlight or streetlamp. It's a very sad place, but it is also very scary. An evil being known as the Dark King caused this. His minions/army are known as the Shadow Rangers. They act as the police. But everyone in the city is good, because all the criminals had already vapourized into Shadow Rangers. The good ones are the condemed ones.
Please think up a action filled name, please!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Help With a New Story Idea
So who's up for volunteering to help piece together a mystery/fantasy plot. Anyone up for grabs? Starts at a mansion.
Anyone wanting to help? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?
Anyone wanting to help? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hi guys! Rachel wanted me to post, since I havent yet this month.
I got a story to tell you! I was dragged across the riding arena by the sturrup when my pony spooked at a ventalation fan.
I thought I was going to die. But God healed my tiny concussion, and I've come out with just a few strained mussles.
I praise God. I'll continue to ride, write, read, and have absolute fun. "I write for the same reason I breathe -if I didn't, I would die." Don't know where this quote came from.
You can share your accidents here...But hey! Let's continue to have a happy and cheerful lives. "Nothing happens until you take action. If you have time to worry; run." --Sonic the Hedgehog.
Have fun!
I got a story to tell you! I was dragged across the riding arena by the sturrup when my pony spooked at a ventalation fan.
I thought I was going to die. But God healed my tiny concussion, and I've come out with just a few strained mussles.
I praise God. I'll continue to ride, write, read, and have absolute fun. "I write for the same reason I breathe -if I didn't, I would die." Don't know where this quote came from.
You can share your accidents here...But hey! Let's continue to have a happy and cheerful lives. "Nothing happens until you take action. If you have time to worry; run." --Sonic the Hedgehog.
Have fun!
Friday, January 28, 2011
I'm still stuck! HELP!!! Helen Keene, the heroine of the Helen Keene adventure series (I am writing that series), is in a deep problem. In the town of Bedrock, Alberta (the setting for this story), she had been hanged/strangled by the villain of this story: Fredrick DeSpain. But she had survived, and now the ranch hands of her father's ranch (Heart 4 Ranch) are asking what she should do now. Should she retaliate? Or should she forgive him? Forgiving him, would make the story a little sissy. But retaliation...well...that would be a very good eye catcher. Well, you choose! You will get a spot in my dedications!
Friday, January 21, 2011
I'm All Right Now!
Hey guys, I'm alright now, thanks! Now...about marshals of the Old West...they don't EXIST IN CANADA! I live in Canada, and this Old Western book is in Canada. Thanks, though, Mrs. Marlow. Now, let's brainstorm a little bit more. She could either draw Fredrick into the town, or...something else...
This On-line school I'm doing is simply FRYING my BRAIN!!! I can barely write now. I'm writing an essay, doing a semester long project about abortion...and A 4-H PROGECT! I'm excited about that. At least tomorrow it's the weekend and I can rest somewhat.
See ye soon!
This On-line school I'm doing is simply FRYING my BRAIN!!! I can barely write now. I'm writing an essay, doing a semester long project about abortion...and A 4-H PROGECT! I'm excited about that. At least tomorrow it's the weekend and I can rest somewhat.
See ye soon!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Book trouble...Writers Block Strikes Again!
Ugh...on my Helen Keene book, I'm writing so slooow that I've been writing chapter five for three-ish days now! I'm at the part where this ranch hand is asking what Helen will do to this guy named Fredrick, because this Fredrick nearly killed her by hanging her by the half-finished clock tower. Hmmm...what should I do? In the first version of this book, I had her distroy most of Fredrick's heard a horses and then steal most of the pregnant mares. But that doesn't seem like it wants to fit in this revisioned version of the book... Any suggestions?
Monday, January 10, 2011
Nim's Island
Hey, this may seem like a random post, but I want to talk about one of my favourite movies: Nim's Island. Here is a trailer for the movie!
It's a great movie. I have watched it over and over. It made me happy when I was sick. The actors are Abigail Breslin as Nim Rusoe, Jodie Foster as Alexandra Rover, and Gerard Butler as Jack Rusoe/Alex Rover. You gotta own this movie, it's just awesome! Great for kids!
And this is Aexandra Rover/Jodie Foster. I could only find one satisfying picture, and this one's it. She did well in the movie, but her character was scared of outside, so her part was mostly comic relief. So enjoy the movie clip I posted here. it's supposed to be really funny--I watched it before I posted it :).
It's a great movie. I have watched it over and over. It made me happy when I was sick. The actors are Abigail Breslin as Nim Rusoe, Jodie Foster as Alexandra Rover, and Gerard Butler as Jack Rusoe/Alex Rover. You gotta own this movie, it's just awesome! Great for kids!
Ok, when I chose this picture I didn't realize it would be in French. L'ile de Nim acutally means Nim's Island.
My review for this movie would be: "Awesome and fantastic! The best combination of books and real life I've ever seen!" I had seen this movie in Wal-Mart before I got it, which was two years later.
![]() |
"C'mon, Nim's waiting for you, Alexandra!" |
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"Everybody loves Alex Rover." |
This is Alex Rover, played by Gerard Butler. He is my favourite character in this movie, since he really belongs in a book, but Alexandra's imagination makes him seem real to her. I like how he just seems to fade into sight and begins to order her about.And this is Aexandra Rover/Jodie Foster. I could only find one satisfying picture, and this one's it. She did well in the movie, but her character was scared of outside, so her part was mostly comic relief. So enjoy the movie clip I posted here. it's supposed to be really funny--I watched it before I posted it :).
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Palestine, not Israel?
Come on! Russian presedent is going to Palestine and not Israel! And guess what? Iraq is planning to build a new Babylon! Sound familier? Now where's Nicolae Carpathea?
Well, I believe we'll see the New Earth, guys! Isn't that exciting? We'd be able to meet each other face to face, and we'd know who were are because of our New Selves. And we'd meet Jesus Christ, and if we needed to ask him any questions, he'd answer us. In Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven, he described what might be in heaven. Imagine huge libraries with our Christian books in them!
>But I'm drifting from the point. What about the unseen Antichrist? For all we know, he could be on this planet right now! He could be that so-and-so Putin guy in Russia. But I don't know. But I remember when I talked about bombs in Iraq or Iran, I said there was little time before the nuclear reactor was up and running. And then I said something about "when was the one currency coming out?" After I said that, I've watched the world spin more and more out of control. I don't like it. But the New Heaven and the New Earth are heading our way, so we don't have to worry.
But I sometimes wish I could get married before we go to heaven...even though that's not as fantastic as belonging to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe! That's the best reward ever. We just will have to live through the hard times. I've seen some Christians on Howrse (online horse breeding game) complain about Howrse not letting them post some Christain things on their "pages". That's another clue that the world is going to end pretty soon! Not good.
OK more news will come along!
Well, I believe we'll see the New Earth, guys! Isn't that exciting? We'd be able to meet each other face to face, and we'd know who were are because of our New Selves. And we'd meet Jesus Christ, and if we needed to ask him any questions, he'd answer us. In Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven, he described what might be in heaven. Imagine huge libraries with our Christian books in them!
>But I'm drifting from the point. What about the unseen Antichrist? For all we know, he could be on this planet right now! He could be that so-and-so Putin guy in Russia. But I don't know. But I remember when I talked about bombs in Iraq or Iran, I said there was little time before the nuclear reactor was up and running. And then I said something about "when was the one currency coming out?" After I said that, I've watched the world spin more and more out of control. I don't like it. But the New Heaven and the New Earth are heading our way, so we don't have to worry.
But I sometimes wish I could get married before we go to heaven...even though that's not as fantastic as belonging to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe! That's the best reward ever. We just will have to live through the hard times. I've seen some Christians on Howrse (online horse breeding game) complain about Howrse not letting them post some Christain things on their "pages". That's another clue that the world is going to end pretty soon! Not good.
OK more news will come along!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
BOOM! Owww.... I feel like I battled Darth Vader, been slamed by Amy Rose's Pika hammer, rode 11 horses, been run over by a semi truck, and been plowed over by the Mellenium Falcon all before supper! But in real life, I'm just sore from yesterdays fun. I went to a new years party at the Ferguson's house and I fell off the tube pulled behind Mr T-bo's quad 3 TIMES! But it was fun, and the pain will go away...
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