Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey y'all!

I'm writing a cool book that will hopefully publish, I'm not good at writing books, but I'm willing to try!
It's warm here in Edson, and the horseflies were CRAZY where I had my horse-back riding lessons. The horse I rode was attacked repeativley by one fly when I was trying to get the bridle on, but by the grace of God, the sun was covered by clouds, and a cool breeze blew so the horse and I wouldn't get eaten alive!
It's so good to be a Christian! *Sigh*
The characters in the book I mentioned today are:

Sydney DeWhite
her father, Clyde DeWhite
Earnest LaHaye
Wyatt Cameron
his sister, Cindy Cameron
their father, Steve Cameron
Shea Leblanc
her father, Dr. Leblanc
and Fletcher Marx

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Hey! Write about what I say! I like when people write to me!