Monday, August 23, 2010

I just find this piture so funny! My dad would find something like this. I'm going random today.


I'm advertising  blog that I created.
I hope you guys like it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iraq With Nuclear BOMBS???

That side of the world is insane! CNN proclaims that it might just be 2 months until Iraq has its Nuclear reactor up and running. Thanks to the Russians, we're in danger. I getting more and more contempt of the non-Christians of Russia. They fed the Nuclear Reactor, and this may bring the Rapture ever closer. I may be proud that one of my ancestors was there at the splitting of an atom, but I wish that it was one of the things that wasn't ever invented. But at least in Heaven, we WON'T need Nuclear power to do anything! 'Cause God will be the source of POWER in Heaven.
One book series (if you haven't read it yet) is the Left Behind series, and the Left Behind Kids series. It's written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It'll answer all the questions about what life may be like during the Tribulation. I don't wanna be around when the pain of that time comes around, I want to be up with all the Raptured Christians. But I'm just warning you, for I listen to the news while a friend of mine (and one of my followers) watches the computer.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Taylor Jefferson and the Historians

I'm a very big fan of history, and I suddenly got an idea (I believe God gave it to me) that I should write a book with historical characters that were thrown into the future when Taylor finds this extra room that was above the two floor cafe of the Calgary Tower. It was a library with three bookshelves. She takes a drink from a fountain, and is suddenly overcome by a fit of dizziness. She stumbles around until she suddenly stumbles back into the centre suitcase. Several books fall off the bookcases. I plan to make it very hectic--making Taylor, her dad, and her friends scramble to keep them from going wild. Because when the books fell, they opened, unleashing good--and bad historical characters.

The List of Characters:

Taylor Jefferson
Mr. Tom Jefferson
Eric Banks
Bethany and Ashley Barnes
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
Stonewall Jackson
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Robin Hood and his Merry Men
Wyatt Earp
Napoleon Bonapart
Morgan Le Fay
Ivan the Terrible
Al Capone
Count Vlad Tepes "Dracula"
and many more...

Friday, August 20, 2010

The End is Near

It is crazy when you hear that Turkey, Russia, etc have a grudge against Israel. And it's surprising to hear that Israel just found over a BILLION barrels of oil! And with all those earthquakes--first in Haiti, then in Chili, then in Turkey, and all those MUDSLIDES in know the earth is falling apart. I used to be scared about when this would happen, but since I read Randy Alcorn's Heaven, I haven't been scared at all. The book tells of the reward of Christains that accept Christ before the rapture. Life wouldn't be boring. We would be able to explore the Universe, our senses will be strengthened, and we'll be able to explore the whole earth without the danger of getting hurt! There's much more.
I quote what Anthony Hoekema said: "God will make the new earth His dwelling place....Heaven and Earth will then no longer be seperated as they are now, but they will be one. But to leave the new earth out of consideration when we think of the final state of believers is greatly to impoverish biblical teaching about the life to come."
I find it just amazing that life will be burden free once we start our grand adventure on the New Earth. I've always wanted to go on an adventure that would somehow help the destiny of Canada. Well it seems that kind of adventure will never come true to me, so I've given up hope for such a thing to happen to me as I bound to this sinfull world. But when we are remade, we'll be able explore space, see new animals created. John Piper said, "God promises that the glory of his people will demand a glorious creation to live in. So the fallen creation will obtain the very freedom from futility and evil and pain that the church is given. So when God makes all things new, He makes us new spiritually and morally, He makes us new physically, and then He makes the whole creation new so that our evironment fits our perfected spirits and bodies."
To think about being genetically engineered might scare some people, but think about this...God's genetic engineering will not change our appearence--it'll make us better!
So if people who read this post after the rapture, believe every word I've said.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Muslams in New York???

It sounds crazy, I know, but it's true! Muslams want to build a mosque where the Twin Towers once stood! It was them who distroyed the towers when I was five! 9/11, hello! I drives me crazy, those false god worshipers! I just wish that they would be wiped off the face of this earth! But there I go! I'm talking raceisim again! But I can be friends with anyone, though, but muslams? My mother wouldn't let me near one, anyway. But I had a family of east indians on my paper route once. I hear the little one of the house say, "The newspaper is here!" And I saw the little one look up at me through the door. I had a tube covering up to over my nose, and a touque covering down over my eyebrows. I guess I kinda looked like a woman from their land. The grandfather watched me walk down the sidewalk thinking I was dangerous or something. It creeped me out, and I shall never forget it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Appomattox Saga

The Appomattox is one of my favourite book series. It has 10 to 12 books, and its written by Gilbert Morris. Its based in the Civil War times. (I don't know why the Civil War was called civil. It wasn't very civil, with all that blood and gore). The series is filled with love and Christianity. In one book, this guy named Paul Bristol said "I'm here to marry your daughter," to a guy he didn't even know. But he knew the guy's daughter very well. In another book, a man named Jake Hardin  pretended to be a man named Vincent Franklin, and fell in love with a 19 year old girl named Rachel Franklin. Lots of LOVE, lots of HUMOR, lots of CHRISTIANITY!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nic-Nacks and Other Topics

Hello! August is here, and brobably most of you are smokin' in the heat. Edson has remain moderatly cool--under the temprature of 30 degrees Celcius-or however you spell that C word. I'll recomend two Sagas to you. It's the Reno Western Saga, and the Appomattox Saga, both by the American author, Gilbert Morris. They're totally awesome. I also have a few more books on the go (very naughty of me, I know), and their titles are: Helen Keene: Western Adventure, book 1, and: The Northstar Space Saga, book 1, and others I may tell you later about. Other books I had written had faulty plots, so I hope a little practice on this allegory of the story of King David when he was only a general (it has no title yet--I havent even typed it on the computer yet) will help me. I continue to thank you for following my blog!